Sunday, November 8, 2009

Repair clothes dyed by accident

Step 1
Take white clothes that may have gotten dyed by accident duringa washing cycle and do not dry them. Instead, immerse them in a bucket with concentrated pure lemon juice and let them stand overnight. After24 hours you may wash them as you normally would and put them through the dryer as well.

Step 2
AddRit Color Remover to the water when washing whites dyed by accident. This is especially effective when the discoloration is due to washing the white clothes with other garments dyed with Rit. Depending on the depth of the stain, you may need to repeat this process as the first wash may lighten but not completely remove the unwanted dye spots.

Step 3
Rinse white clothes, accidentally dyed due to contact with a rusty gadget, under cold water until the stain changes from an angry red to a tan or yellow discoloration.

Step 4
UseRit Rust Remover on such clothes and also for whites dyed accidentally due to exposure to clay and rust contained in water. This product only works on white clothes and will remove the yellow discoloration usually within one washing.

Step 5
Blot with a white paper towel any white clothes dyed by accident with ink. Spray hair sprayon a clean sponge and gently rub the ink stain. Rinse the garment completely. Finally, wash as usual, adding OxyClean stain fighter.

Step 6
Soak any white garments that do not respond to your dye removal attempt overnight in hot water and OxyClean. This is a matter of last resortand should this step fail, repairing your clothes dyed by accident,will require covering up the stains with either patches, whimsical shapes that may be ironed on, or a swatch of color that closely matches the white of the garment.

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