Will organic clothing going to be the future fashion trend?
Clothes made from organic fabrics are easy to maintain and clean. Despite of the low market share in global clothing industry, on an average organic clothes demand is growing at an encouraging rate. Designers are working towards making these clothes more appealing, fashionable and economical. Down the line, after some years people would be spotted wearing trendy and stylish outfits made up of organic cotton and fabrics.
The effect of chemicals on skin and the body is a concern for everyone nowadays. No one has the desire to knowingly damage themselves and if you can be kind to your skin while adhering to the latest fashion trends, it is easily understandable why this trend is becoming more and more popular. With a variety of styles for both women, men and children, even including footwear and manufacturers mushrooming worldwide, it is clear that there is certainly a market for organic fashion clothing. Possibly one of the main reasons for this undeniable draw is the fact that organic clothing goes hand in hand with ethical clothing. Fair trade products are becoming more and more popular with consumers and this has been extended to the clothing lines. With frequent news stories of sweatshops slave trade situations throughout the fashion industry, even the everyday consumer has the ethical nature of the manufacturer in mind when shopping.
However, it is not only the ethical factors of the organic fashion clothing industry that makes it so popular. With many celebrities picking up on the clear benefits of this range of clothing, both to the consumer and the industry there are several of these celebrities who are opening up their own collection. Emma Watson, for example is opening her own collection of eco-friendly clothing for 16-24 year-old. With celebrities such as this drawing attention to the industry, especially to such a young and important age group, it is no wonder that it is doing so well. Although the clothing can sometimes be a little expensive the durability and health benefits of the products outweigh this factor.
Would you think the future of Organic Fashion Clothing Industry looks positive?
Quote: get personal, get fashion
Quote: get personal, get fashion