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Snip a piece of fabric equivalent to 1" square. Using a butane lighter and holding the fabric with a pair of tweezers ignite the fabric over a non-flammable surface in a well ventilated area.Examine the quality and color of the flame, the odor produced, and the quality of the resulting ash or cinder. Use this table to help determine your fabric's content.
COMMENTS WOOL orange color
sputteryburning hair
or feathersblackish
turns to powder
when crushedflame will self extinguish
if flame source is removed
no smokeSILK burns slowly burning hair
or feathersgrayish
turns to powder
when crushedburns more easily than wool
but will self extinguish is flame
source removedCOTTON yellow to orange color
steady flameburning paper
or leavesgrayish, fluffy slow burning ember LINEN yellow to orange color
steady flameburning paper
or leavessimilar to cotton takes longer to ignite than cotton but otherwise very similar RAYON fast orange flame burning paper
or leavesalmost no ash ember will continue to glow after flame source removed POLYESTER orange flame, sputtery sweet or fruity smell hard shiny black bead black smoke ACETATE burns and melts,sizzly acidic or vinegary hard black bead will continue to burn after flame source removed NYLON burns slowly and melts, bluse base and orange tip, no smoke burning celery hard grayish or brownish bead self extinguish if flame source removed ACRYLIC burns and melts, white-orange tip, no smoke acrid black hard crust will continue to burn after flame source removed